Before proceeding you must be having advance knowledge of DNS, postfix, dovecot, networking, and Linux command line. We can use both rhel7 as well as CentOS7, but in our case, we are using CentOS7.
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Before proceeding you must be having advance knowledge of DNS, postfix, dovecot, networking, and Linux command line. We can use both rhel7 as well as CentOS7, but in our case, we are using CentOS7.
Read MoreIt is by default, that the nginx server when started, does not enable the support for "text/css" content type when using gzip module for compression. Today, in this post we are going to learn how
Read MoreBy default, nginx does not add type for javascript for compression using gzip module. So, in order to add javascript as a type for gzip to compress the content, we have to specify the same in the co
Read MoreWhenever we are delivering content to a client, it must be make sure that the page of the website should be loaded as fast as possible. Compression is a good option, gzip is one of the options availa
Read MoreSetup and Configure PXE Installation server Setting up a PXE server gives you access to seamlessly install a Linux Operating System via LAN or other network means. In this post, we are going to se
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