Welcome to the about section of the geekylane.com, the site is simply for the people who want to understand any technology related content or topic.

On this website you will find the content regarding the following:

  1. Linux (kernel as well as distributions)
  2. Operating Systems
  3. Windows
  4. Software Installations (for both Linux and Windows)
  5. How To’s (all technology related content)
  6. Networking (Implementation of Servers, hardware explanations and more.)
  7. Programming (covers python 2 and 3)
  8. Data Structures
  9. DevOps
  10. All kind of technology related content.

Everything mentioned above is going to be discussed in short intervals of time and all the things are going to be covered deeply.

The main motive of this site is to deliver cream and crisp content:

For the visitors who are out there on the internet to the point content and wants to learn new things with almost complete knowledge from one place itself.

This site is a vision of an engineer who struggled a lot in finding to the point knowledge out there on the internet. After facing the problem of not getting all at one place for several years. Now the engineer has enough knowledge to share and wants to help others.

So, this site is a result of that vision and this will be going to help a lot of people who seek knowledge and good content on the internet. However, can not find it at one place and end up having problems.

So now one can easily grasp the information available on this site and content covered for each topic is going to cover and almost every corner of that particular topic.

In the end, the message to the visitors is that “come here take your time and grasp every corner of a topic with ease”.

In future, more content is going to be added on the website, so stay tuned.

So, this is basically about the website, If you have any query, you can drop us a mail at [email protected].